I have updated my monitor mode patch for the wl1251 chip to fix some bugs.
First it is now possible to capture encrypted packets. I want to thank hardkorek for reporting this bug.
Second I have fixed the data rate reported for received packets. Previously all packets showed up as 1Mb/s regardless of which data rate they were really sent. Additionally this should also fix the reported channel type.
All in all it should now be a little bit closer to "fully functional"
Version 2 of my monitor mode patch can be downloaded here.
It will also be included in the upcoming 2.6.28-maemo35 release of Titan's power kernel.
is there any way to apply this patch without installing titans kernel?
Sorry for my late answer. It should be possible to apply the patch to the stock kernel source and compile only the wl12xx module within the SDK. The module should then be usable on your N900 with the stock kernel.
Sadly I haven’t time to provide you that module now.
I now have compiled the module for the stock PR 1.2, but haven’t tested it.
You can get it here: https://david.gnedt.at/wl12xx/wl12xx.ko-2.6.28-20101501+0m5
You have to replace the wl12xx.ko in the /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1 directory, but I would recommend to keep a backup of the original. Afterwards you have to reboot your N900.
If have no N900
but why don’t you use the compat-wireless modules? they support wl1251 and the modifications you made with the patch exist already.
I have backported the approach used in wireless-testing and found it to be unstable to not say unusable in monitor mode. Therefore I have searched for a different approach, which is working stable as far as I know.
But as you mentioned it, I will look into it again when I have some time left.
this patch not working https://david.gnedt.at/wl12xx/wl12xx.ko-2.6.28-20101501+0m5 when i replace the wl12xx.ko then restart my N900
not working here as well:(
I recommend using titan’s kernel-power because I haven’t time to test the stock Nokia kernel module.
too bad that you don’t have time to make a .deb file just with this patch. There are lots of people who don’t want to use custom kernels:(…
is this the same patch like the one in neopwn pack?
No, this patch only provides monitor mode functionality.
Neopwn will also include support for packet injection.
hello to everybody.
i got my n900 saturday and i am still very happy but there is a problem. i tried to instal the kernel for powerusers from the application manager. there is a conflict with the maemo kernel modules . the only thing is i want a running airodump on my n900.
the patch on this site would be the best solution for me but i don’t know how to install or compile this into the stock kernel.
it’s a .diff file. the patch command don’t work for me on the n900.
how to get this patch working?
please help me !
You can’t compile directly on the N900. You have to cross-compile using the Nokia SDK. I want to note that you should have decent Linux skills or at least enough time and will if you are going to try this.
Nevertheless you can also try the compiled module for the stock kernel I have posted in an earlier comment, but I don’t know if it is working.
I strongly recommend you to try getting the power kernel working. I think this would be much easier than to compile a kernel on your own.
to get the powerkernel working would be ok but maeamo applicationmanager says there is a problem with maemo kernel modules. i can not install. but first thank you for your quick response.
do you have a link for me to understand how to compile your .diff patch into my kernel? or is there a ready to use solution anywhere in the net? i hope my english isn’t to bad.
best regards from warburg/germany
Here you can find some infos about SDK installation: http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Final_SDK_Installation
More infos can be found on http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide. There is also a Kernel Guide but I personally don’t use the described way to compile the kernel. I usually build the kernel like any other Debian package, but it may be the better way if you only want to compile some replacement modules for an existing kernel.
I don’t know if you already have found it, but you should take a look at the power kernel wiki page: http://wiki.maemo.org/Kernel_Power
If you still can’t install it with the instructions, you could try to deinstall it first. Maybe there is already something installed from your previous tries.
thank you i will try it this afternoon.
My airodump works now !
The problem was, i could not save the compiled module to my n900 with the maemobrowser or firefox so i tried to use the .diff file. The links about maemo sdk and custom kernel building are very interesting but a little bit to much for me, to understand in one day.
Here at my home desktop, i was able to save the file correct and replace the one in the /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1 directory with success.
thank you for your good work.
I only want to say that i dont use this for any bad purposes.
its for scanning my own wifi with different types of antennas.
for this its the best and fastest real time scanner with showing rssi and rxq.
i updated the device to PR 1.3. now it isnt possible to use airodump with more than channel 6 with the patched wl12xx.ko. before it worked perfect. any ideas ? is there a way to use the patched driver with PR 1.3 ? otherwise i have to roll back to 1.2. but i think batterylife is better in PR 1.3.
Yeah it’s natural that it doesn’t work. I have to compile a patched wl12xx.ko for PR1.3. I put this on my todo list, but it hasn’t a high priority.
That’s exactly the reason why I have pushed the monitor mode patch into the power kernel. Titan does a really good job with maintaining the power kernel and I supposed that users requiring monitor mode don’t mind installing it.
I think you already know it, but you can use the power kernel like me without overclocking, so it shouldn’t void your warranty.
thank you for answering. i installed the powerkernel and now its working again .
None of the keys work. I have had this problems on certain builds for the n810/diablo as well. I can manage things by hitting escape then one of the underlined letters, “K”, etc.. and then navigate everything from the menus but it is pretty annoying to do it that way, and I don’t think there is a way to do certain things like lock the channel, dump printable strings, etc.. which i would like to do.
Has anyone else had this problem?
ahh i wnt know what are you talking about… i wnt know what is kernel,whats sdk.. using such software on n900 is difficult… i think to use a symbian is easy…
hello david hw r u ?
I know u r very busy person pls help me.actually my problem is i buy n900 when nokia launch this phone 2009 middel i think and i sold my fone after 8month used for galaxy s2 ok now i buy n900 again now and i flashed with pr1.3 now problem is 1st time when i buy this phone i installed power kernel and driver very well and i know what i m doing but now i install kernel power 51r and main problem is when i try to download driver there write this is supported kernel power 50 but kernel power 50 not availabel on app manager so pls tell me this v2 driver work on KP 51r or not thanks in advance.
And very sory for my bad eng.
v2 should also work for newer power kernels, but I haven’t tested it.